
RTS Scotland Student Television Awards 2023

This exciting and prestigious event showcases the best Student Film and Television work being made in Scotland. 

Entries have been submitted from across the nation by undergraduates preparing to start in the industry. The ceremony is judged by industry professionals and provides noteworthy recognition of outstanding talent and originality.

Awards will be presented for four categories:

The Big Connection: Open Doors Scripted TV Special

Are you looking to break into the TV industry? Then come and meet the companies looking to hire you.  

ScreenSkills and the Royal Television Society Scotland invite you to the second in an exciting series of new networking events. The Big Connection is a relaxed setting that offers attendees the opportunity to connect with some of the most important production companies in Scotland.

Toiseach Tòiseachaidh | Telebhisean (Starting Point | Television)

Thigibh còmhla rinn airson seisean feumail tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig le eòlaichean a bheireas taic is comhairle prìseil dhuibh. Bidh còmhraidhean rin cluinntinn mu cò ris a tha e coltach a bhith ag obair ann am mion-chànan mar Ghàidhlig taobh a-staigh saoghal telebhisein, agus dè na dòighean as fheàrr gus cothroman fhaighinn aig diofar chompanaidhean sna tràth làithean.